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Dr. Harrison is a skilled clinician with an extensive knowledge and research foundation in a number of areas. She provides individual consultation for personal development, continuing education, teacher in-service programs for educators, school administrators/counselors, clinicians and mental health professionals.

Some of the topics include:

  1. Successful Transition to Adulthood

  2. Building a Successful Private Practice

  3. Improving ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment

  4. Common Features (and Misdiagnoses) of ASD

  5. Understanding Psychological Testing for Therapists

  6. Group Therapy Techniques

  7. Parenting with the Harrison Method

  8. Executive Function Improvement

  9. Virtual Therapy Techniques

  10. Managing ADHD in the Classroom

  11. Successfully Navigating the Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Classroom

  12. Social-Emotional Learning in the Hybrid Environment

  13. Anxiety in the Classroom

  14. Emotion Regulation in the Classroom

  15. Understanding Psycho-Educational Testing

  16. Organizing the Disorganized Student,

  17. Basics of Managing ADHD in the Classroom,

  18. What to Do When Parents Don’t Get it

  19. Working with Students with Asperger’s-type Autism

  20. Avoiding Burn Out
    and more!

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